Bleaching body and facial hair doesn't take the hair away, but can make it appear less noticeable because it lightens the color of hair to a light shade of blonde. Results last anywhere from 2- 6 weeks.
How Does it Work?
The Pros
It's fast, easy, and without a lot of risks. Bleaching creme can be found at any drug store fairly cheap, and you can bleach right in your own home. Large areas of hair can be bleached at the same time, with the entire process only taking minutes from start to finish. You don't risk a lot pain or getting ingrown hairs, since you aren't removing the hair follicle.
The Cons
Bleaching facial and body hair doesn't give you a smooth and hairless surface. These are the main reasons people want to rid hair. Even though hair is lighter, it still may be noticeable, especially if you are standing in the sun or a bright room.
Not all hair or skin types can benefit. Don't count on bleaching disguising long or thick hair- only finer ones, like on the face or arms. Bleached hair on dark or tan skin, can still stand out because of the color contrast (light hair against dark skin).
The results aren't very long-lived. The hair above the surface is the only part of the hair follicle that has been lightened. As the hair grows, you will see the darker, natural color.
It can temporarily lighten dark skin tones.The lighter skin tone can last for up to 3 days.
Ouch Factor
A tingling sensation while the cream is working is normal, but shouldn't be painful. A strong, burning feeling is a good indicator it's too strong for your skin, or you're allergic to a bleaching ingredient. In either of these cases, you could turn red for hours or days, and even blister.
Bleaching Body and Facial Hair Costs
A bleaching kit (compare bleaching body and facial hair prices) is about $4 - $8. Depending on how large of an area you bleach, a tube could last just a few or many applications.
How to Bleach Body Hair Naturally
Cut about 2 cups of rhubarb into small pieces and place it in a small pot. Cover the rhubarb with 2 cups of water and heat to boiling. Once boiling, turn the heat to low and allow the rhubarb to simmer for 30 or 40 minutes. Allow the water to cool and then pour 1 cup of the rhubarb water into a 16-oz. spray bottle.
Add the hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice to the bottle. To add a nice, refreshing scent to your natural body hair bleach, add 10 or 15 drops of lavender essential oil. Shake the spray bottle gently and store it in the refrigerator.
Gently mist your body with the natural spray after you have bathed and patted yourself dry. Make sure that all areas with body hair you would like to lighten are evenly covered with the mist; however, do not overdo it either, as you only need a bit.
Allow the mist to dry and then dress as normal. It may take up to a week to begin to see results; however, if used regularly, this natural method can successfully bleach your body hair without the expense or danger of over the counter bleaches.
Use your mist while sunbathing as well, lightly spritzing your body after applying sunscreen.
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, personal technology columnist and founder of Most Useful Tricks. You canIn bleaching, bleaching body hair, body hair, crossdress body hair, hide hair, hiding body hair, shaving, waxing
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