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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

couch mode print story

Wanna Pass as a Real Woman by THIS WEEKEND??

Wanna Pass as a Real Woman

Learn how to crossdress -- and pass as a genetic female --

The �art� of passing in the transgendered cross dressing world has been variously described as everything from the �Holy Grail of Dressing� to the Great Wicked. To some it is the final mark of success in having achieved a change to the degree where the person can freely move about and function under the appearance of being the opposite sex from his or her birth. But to others passing is the wrong thing to do because it keeps the TG/CD issue in the closet and out of the public eye where it might yet gain some degree of acceptance. It isn�t impossible to see both sides of this issue. I ought to know � I have been there myself.

I go out seldom and, when I do, I usually wear denims and flats. I am 6 ft. tall, 62 years elderly, and don�t look very much like a woman. Still, I require to go out. I think my main motivation for running in the world of other people is to basically permit myself to both honor and express my feminine side in a way that has the most intending to me. I require to be treated like any other person and to be allowed to go about my life in my own quiet way. Part of that way is to appear feminine. However, I am not, by nature, a confrontational person and I require to move through a crowd without any notice whatsoever. In fact, I find that I feel the same way when I go out wearing masculine apparel. I require to be able to order my Giant Mac without anyone paying me any attention, irrespective of how I am dressed. I don�t think that is asking much of the world. The catch here is that I must work very hard at doing that when dressed as a woman. In truth, I have seldom gone in to a McDonalds s a woman. But my point is that, in order to function as I wish at any given time, I must be able to �pass�. It isn�t that I require to fool anyone; I basically require to be left alone. You see, �passing� to me is a system to an finish. I wish I could do it better, but I don�t look a lot like a woman. If it were fine with the world for me to wear a dress and heels and still be seen as a man, then I would not worry about passing.

I understand all well that, if all the TG/CD men in the world went out dressed as often as they wished, then finally passing would be pointless. If the parents all saw me dressed & gave it no thought, then I would not require to deal with trying to look a lot like the genuine editorial. As I said, I go out in denims & flats but I would love to wear a dress & heels. If cross dressers were fully accepted, I could do that. But I am not willing to undergo a lifetime of pain & ridicule to modify my world. I would not say that, but it is a true statement. As I look around me I see that others like me are beginning to make television appearances, college presentations, & other public statements. Someday � not in my lifetime � these men will be the pioneer heroes for a TG culture that moves openly by itself terms. It clearly hasn�t happened yet but I feel a deep sense of gratitude to these guys & guilt for not joining them. By not dealing with passing they are working toward changing the world in to a place where passing is no longer an issue.

There is much more to this whole scene of �going out� & moving in the world. Much of it would apply to very someone irrespective of gender issues. I am thinking of a who has a disfigurement or someone born in to a minority or someone who doesn�t appear to fit � a nerd by some folks description.
So, you see, I try very hard to pass � not because I require to fool someone � but because I require to be left alone.

When you're ready to crossdress, what you need is a resource that doesn't just give you copies of
the same old information everyone else has.
You need real crossdressing tips and sound advice, so you can figure out how to:

Create smooth porcelain-like skin by using skin products and cosmetics that suit your own skin type.

Make up your own face by understanding that different kinds of faces need different methods.
You'll learn male to female makeovers before and after.

Smell like a real woman by using real female pheromones.
Don't let masculine sweat odor blow your cover. This will greatly enhance your feminine appearance.

Create your own cleavage with my detailed step by step instructions.
You want to look fertile in order to enhance your feminine appearance.

Hide your ugly bulge even when you are in a revealing bathing suit.
You want your "genital area" to look smooth and flat.

Learn to dress as a female by knowing different styles of dresses, fashion tips and types of feminine garments.
Being a female is so much more than just putting on a wig, a dress and a pair of high heels.
You want admiring glances and compliments instead of rousing laughter.

Behave as a woman using the techniques that will make you ultra-feminine just like a genetic woman.
You don't want to come off like a biker when walking up and down the stairs, do you?

Walk like a REAL LADY using the feminine movements that will make you appear just like a fashion model.
Never again will your masculine movements blow your cover.

Avoid common mistakes many crossdressers make which always make them look silly.

Get an idea of how much money sex changes cost, the effect of natural estrogen and estrogen alternatives.
The Lazy Crossdresser
How to be super glamorous
-- Envy those Las Vegas showgirls? Now you can be one of them
by learning my male to female makeovers.
You don't want to be just another crossdresser, you want to be seen as a real woman!

How to do you own fantasy makeover -- We cover how to do make your face to look like
a normal woman. This will teach you to look like a Pamela Anderson!

How to make your new self into a sex goddess --
What to wear to look like that teenage slut that you've always had fantasies about
.Crossdressing: The Replacement Schoolgirl

Written by Sagar Basak, personal technology columnist and founder of Most Useful Tricks. You can follow him on the social web or sign up for the email newsletter for your daily dose of how-to guides and video tutorials.


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