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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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Everything You Need To Know About Anything | xdress - learn how to crossdress with pro

Learning how to xdress convincingly and be a confident cross dresser is something that comes with both time and practice but as I have already learnt the methods that work successfuly for me I would like to share my proven practices that will only help you on your cross dressing path to happiness and a new ability to totally pass as a convincing xdresser.
Learning how to crossdress convincingly and be a confident cross dresser is something that comes with both time and practice but as I have already learnt the methods that work successfully for me I would like to share my proven practices that will only help you on your cross dressing path to happiness and a new ability to totally pass as a convincing xdresser.

There is much written about cross dressing however much of it is unproven and mostly work of non-fiction so it is my pleasure to talk about techniques that will help you pass as a female which in turn will give you the confidence to feel much happier within yourself and have a more enjoyable experience in the outside world rather than being closeted behind closed doors. However, I must say that for my early years as as a xdresser I was inhibited and worried about what other people might say or think about me, however looking back, I really wish I hadn’t worried as my past 15 years experience has shown me that my early feelings of being scared and concerned about other people not accepting me where proven to be all in my head.
In fact the most important hurdle to overcome when cross dressing is to feel comfortable in your own skin and to keep you head held high with confidence that will only add to your ability to pass easily as a female.

Getting a pair of silicone breast forms or enhancers will greatly improve your upper body shape, but like in my early days a pair of socks or balloons filled with gel can be a temporary solution. However, x dresser breast forms are not much easier to obtain and are far cheaper than a few years ago.

Moving on, now we have the first and most important confidence lesson out of the way, we need to look at clothes, shoes, makeup and cosmetics, voice techniques and female quirks. If you want be a convincing x dresser then choosing clothes that both suit your shape and height is very important in making you appear more feminine. Shoes, although hard to get in large sizes, can make you feet look more petite and also help you to walk in a more feminine way plus make you feel extremely sexy – caution do not be tempted to buy shoes in smaller sizes as you will regret it after 10 minutes of wearing them.
Hair is also a major factor in passing convincingly as a woman and although wigs can be extremely realistic, especially a few companies that I have dealt with in the past, with many great wigs available and many of them are almost indistinguishable to real hair in fact the best ones are made from human hair. You may wish to grow your hair and try getting it to a more unisex style for both gender roles. However, if you are working towards becoming full time cross dresser or even transsexual then your hair should be growing and styled towards a permanent feminine style. A good hair style will make your face look more feminine and hide many masculine facial imperfections or broad facial features.
Being a xdresser can be lots of fun, xdress, and you should learn what to avoid and how to make the best of yourself when heading out to become the girl of your dreams.

Written by Sagar Basak, personal technology columnist and founder of Most Useful Tricks. You can follow him on the social web or sign up for the email newsletter for your daily dose of how-to guides and video tutorials.


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